
Scene10 The space slaughter (Gigan VS Angella)
Gigan, the space slaughter, is quite ferocious and subversive monster formerly.
There is quite few record to capture Gaigan to research over the Galgaxy, for the moment.
Could we say, "The fortunate fight", Angella ?

Scene9 The menace (Zetton VS Malli)
Zetton, the powerful space insect is as the menace over the nebula "M78",
building up to have increasing the cosmic dust, due the repeating the haphazard development plan
from the every planet, for the moment.
Too blindy! Malli.

Scene8 East end (KingJoe VS RayGoddes)
KingJoe had been developed as the slaughter-robot to conquer the planet, by Paedan.
Finally they had found the blue earth, and started to send KingJoe there.
Ray and her android"Wistaria" had to fight against the slaughter-robot desperately to protect
from the outers.
Dashingly, Ray's Trainer, Angella tried to settle the slaughter with them.

Scene 7 After the invasion (Bombie VS RayGoddes)
Bombie, had been developed originally as the robot to remove the minefields after the invasion
from the others.
Now "Bombie" is a precision monster-machine, controlling the automatic guided bomb, with the
improvements of the militaries, to reduce the emigrants from the outers,
No! Ray had to protect the friendly emigrants tower in the liberation space from the Bombie, "

Scene6 The Protected zone (Executioner VS RayGoddes)
After the execution for the felony,massacring repeated, the slaughter has been revived as the "
to maintain the discipline of "Protected Zone" for the animals and monsters.
Ray had already been captured the Ghydora in the zone, with the exceptional permission of the
research institute.
Oh, Misunderstanding!

Scene5 The Aftereffects
The aftereffects of the severe missions have been flashed across her mind, even during the
winter vacation,
It seems that she has already identified with Ray.

Scene4 The Dictator of the space (DarkoneDictator VS RayGoddes)
"DarkoneDictator" dominates the different dimensional space, entering of the floating and unseen
gate by the normal human.
"DarkoneDictator" likes the any dismal actions, against the opponents, very much.
Oh, Ray has been trying to capture the injustice "DarkoneDictator" recklessly.

Scene3 The Severe Opponent (Mantisadium VS RayGoddes)
"Mantisadium" keeps the subversive activities in the outerspace,
to be satisfied with the mission wrongly programed by the unusual professor.
Mantisadium prefers the plutonium fuel of the space ships, the rocket bomb.
Oh, Mantisadium has been found the wasted but powerful nuclear bombs in the asteroid.

Scene2 Tasting (Zungel VS RayGoddes)
The unusual professor of Bio-Technological fields had generated the Zungel.
Originally Zungel used to be a wealthy president of the oil companay.
Unfortunately the investment of the asset management had been failed,to be betrayed by the Co-
president of the company.
Then Zungel prefers the oil, and belching the bad smelling gas.
Oh! How ugly they are!

Scene1 The Night Beast (BioBeast VS RayGoddes)
"Aika" belonging to the team "CAMY" (Capture Monsters for R&D) was thoughtlessly captured
by the unusual professor "Minogon" of Bio-Technological fields.
He had generated the huge "Bio heart" for the monster, and transplant it to "Bio Beast".
Bio Beast stand in Ray's way, though Ray has to rescue "Aika" first of all.
