
Scene29 Bemstar vs Jacqueline
The space monster "Bemstar" surpassed over the galaxy,
had been feared from the defense organization of all the planets.
Oh! "Jacqueline", had encountered "Bemstar"
in the foggy island of the planet "Earth", fatality.

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Scene28 Pandon vs Angella
"Pandon" had been reared and strengthened as the brutal monster,
for the alien "Ghose" to invade and immigrate into the planet "Earth".
"Angella", body had weakened by the repeated damages,
due tough defense from the threats of the outer space,
had to fight against the brutal monster desperately.

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Scene27 Zetton Powered vs Daniella
The "Zetton", had been changed as the "Zetton Powered",
Modifying and compressed 2 bodies into 1,
By the advanced biological technology in the planet Zetton.
Daniella had to fight against the empowered monster, desperately.

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Scene26 Birdon vs Tamara
Birdon, parasitizing in volcano, had been preyed on all creatures,
including the super heroine indiscriminately.
Oh! Tamara, you are looked for prey
by the brutal monster, fatality.

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Scene25 Hedrah vs Sophie
"Hedorah" had been generated by the pollution and the sludge of the industorial zone.
Discustingly, the powerful space monster "Bemstar" had been captured
by the pollution monster "Hedorah", generated by the blue earth,
had been obtained the invinsble force, eventually.
Oh! Sofhie, it's your fatality in now.

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Scene24 KingJoe vs Angella
KingJoe had been developed as the slaughter-robot to conquer the planet, by Paedan.
Finally they had found the blue Earth, and started to send KingJoe there.
Angella had to fight against the slaughter-robot, desperately.

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Scene23 GELD-GR-II vs Lucia
GELD-GR-II empowered and controlled by Paedan,had been rebirthed as the vicious killing Robo.
The subversive game has been started,
Oh, poor Lucia.

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Scene22 The traps in the unarmed (Acekiller VS Ashley and Yurian)
Acekiller, just expecting to capture the genuine ultra heroine,
repeated the brutal traps in the unarmed area.
Ashley and Yurian had completely fell into the snare laid by Acekiller,expectly.
Let's stand by idly how they would be able to get through the critical moment.

Scene21 The subversive revival (GR-I and GR-II VS Tamara)
In spite of restraining the unusual wave from the twin pyramids of outer dessert,
as the mission for the young slender Tamara,
imprudently she had destroyed the sealed of GR-I and GR-II,
once to have conquered the planet in previous era.
The next subversive game has been started, Oh,poor Tamara.
